How hot can a card get before it becomes ruined?


 Since I have been experimenting with how cards are marked and their color changes, I also wanted to see how the colors and inks might fair after cooking. There was a great reddit thread posted by someone that had some concerns about card damage in the heat of a car. Sadly i have lost the thread, but will post it here once I do find it again.


Bake Magic the gathering cards from an old set and a newer set in order to determine if the heat has any effect. Repeat at various temperatures and compare. With the expected burning of paper at about 415, I was reluctant set the cards on fire.


I saw the cards curl at 170F which was the lowest setting I could test. I suspect that they lost their moisture and would eventually revert if humidified and pressed. Also, as time went on (approx. 40 min) I could see the cards yellow. This is likely the ink itself rather than the paper, but even the paper that was used to keep the cards off the baking aluminum, also yellowed.

Of note, none of the rosettes of the cards appeared to melt or be affected by the heat which leads me to believe that if a card needed to be pressed it could be done so at a lower temperature. Damage would occur over prolonged exposure.

Basically, you can toast your cards.
